At Daisy Hill State School we implement the Australian Curriculum in the learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science, History and Geography. The Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework outlines the curriculum for the learning areas of Health and Physical Education, The Arts, Technology and Studies of Society. Teachers plan collaboratively with the Principal and members of the leadership team to ensure curriculum alignment maximising student engagement.
As a professional learning community we work collaboratively and collectively to ensure our students are learning and progressing toward achieving school targets. Our staff collaborate weekly in professional learning teams with the focus on analysing data to improve instruction. It is through this collaboration and the sharing of practice that improvements occur.
Within our curriculum framework, we have an ongoing monitoring of learning process that enables teachers to respond when students are not learning, when they require enrichment and or extension. We have numerous resources that enable staff to differentiate their instruction, resources and processes for students.
To support teachers, we have a Head of Curriculum and Special Education Teacher in Charge. As instructional leaders, their role is to further support teachers with the teaching and learning process with the aim of improving outcomes.
We have a strong belief that all students can achieve and at high levels.